Thank you for visiting our Novavax social media page. This platform gives us the opportunity to share updates and information, as well as listen and have a meaningful conversation with our visitors. We welcome your participation and ask that you help us keep this a safe community for all by reviewing our social media guidelines:
Be kind
- We believe in treating each other with respect and encouraging positivity. We may remove inappropriate language, profanity, or comments deemed as harassment, bullying, and/or hate language toward any groups or individuals; any sexual content; and discussions of political or religious beliefs
Stay on-topic
- Comments that are spam, promotional, off-topic, vulgar, misleading, factually inaccurate, inappropriate, or defamatory may be removed
We are in a highly regulated industry, which means there are legal and regulatory limits and restrictions our social pages must follow. Because of these laws and guidelines, there are times we may have to delete a comment. Thanks in advance for your understanding. A few of those examples are:
Your comment mentions a pharmaceutical product, therapeutic property, or a treatment
- Posts that include direct or indirect reference to specific drug names or descriptions
Your comment includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
- Information that directly or indirectly identifies an individual. This is not limited to: birthday, resident address, email address, passport number, medical status, phone number
Your comment gives medical advice or medical assistance
- We cannot allow individuals to give medical advice in our communities. Please contact your doctor or healthcare provider if you need advice
Should your post or comment mention any untoward medical occurrence associated with the use of a drug, known as an Adverse Event, or side effect, by law, a Novavax social media team member will report the incident and may reach out to you for more information.
- To self-report an adverse event of a Novavax product, please contact us directly at
Disclaimer: While we want to engage in a dialogue on social media. Novavax reserves the right to delete any comments and block any poster at its sole discretion.
If you feel we have inadvertently omitted your comment and you would like to discuss it, please send a private or direct message directly to our Novavax social media team. You may also contact us using our "Contact Us" form here.
Novavax social media channels are open to commentary from the public and do not reflect the views of Novavax, nor does Novavax endorse or approve any such public comments.
Thank you for doing your part to keep this a safe and respectful space.